Career profile: research governance manager

A picture of George smiling, he is standing in the grounds of the Wellcome Genome Campus.

In this career profile, George describes his role as a Research Governance Manager, understanding the ethics behind science research. This is one of a series of career profiles exploring lots of different jobs in genomics.

About me:

Name: George

Job title: Research Governance Manager

What do I do: I make sure that the research taking place at the Wellcome Sanger Institute is ethical.

To view my full career profile click the download link at the end of this page.

Skills I use in my job:

Problem solving

Providing advice and support to researchers on how best to obtain the samples they need for their work.


Sharing workload amongst the team to enable balance and provide the best support we can to researchers.


Writing an application for ethical approval in a way that communicates exactly what researchers want to do in plain English.


Analysing changes in the law in order to assess how it could impact internal policy.

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