Career profile: data analyst

In this career profile, Ene describes her role as a Data Analyst. This is one of a series of career profiles exploring lots of different jobs in genomics.
About me:
Name: Ene
Job title: Data Analyst
What do I do: I support the core laboratory team in the Tree of Life (ToL) project, creating reports and analysis for the programme. These reports look at what species have been collected and prepared for sequencing.
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Skills I use in my job:

I work with the data that the laboratory teams produce. Analysing this data gives insight to the throughput of the lab and gives evidence to what approach may work better than the other.

Problem solving
We try to adapt our ways of working to new challenges and changes that happen. Being familiar with how and where we record data comes in handy to adapt our systems or develop new processes.

Different software systems are used by different teams. I facilitate conversations between teams to allow the data to flow seamlessly.

This is a big part of my job, as I have to keep a log of decisions that are made on a certain set of data. An ordered to do list is key for me to keep a track of what needs to be done.