Career profile: bioinformatics developer

In this career profile, Disha describes her role as a Bioinformatics Developer. This is one of a series of career profiles exploring lots of different jobs in genomics.
About me:
Name: Disha Lodha
Job title: Bioinformatics Developer
What do I do:I work in Ensembl-plants, where we bring together public data sets including genome assemblies, genome annotation and genetic variation. I am also a member of the Staff Association at EMBL, representing the economic, professional, social, and cultural interests of all EMBL employees.
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Skills I use in my job:

Our job is mostly coding. We create pipelines which houses raw genome data and formats this ready for uploading to the website.

Within my team we work really well and help each other out if someone is stuck on a problem.

Problem solving
Our work is thinking about the users of our data so if any user has any issues we have to try and come up with a solution or investigate what has gone wrong.

We try to share more of what we are doing so we can learn off of each other, share how we are using new technologies as well as making our jobs easier.